The big SXSW Festival came to a close with more day parties and special showcases. I started the day off with some friends playing at Drungo, Brent Adair and Flat Stanley. Then I made my way to Stubbs for the Rachael Ray party, which featured Jakob Dylan (with Neko Case) and She and Him (Zooey Deschanel and M. Ward). Later it was more friends in Summer Wardrobe and finally, the Alex Chilton Tribute at Antone’s. This was supposed to be the big reunion of Big Star, the influential pop-group. But, lead singer Alex Chilton passed away earlier in the week, leaving the music community at a loss. Many of the SXSW stars paid tribute to Chilton during the time slot that was supposed to host the reunion. It was a touching and appropriate celebration of an important life.

Jakob Dylan at Stubbs, that’s Neko Case with the red hair

Rachael Ray, it’s her party!
Zooey Deschanel of She and Him

And that’s M. Ward

Flat Stanley at Drungo

Summer Wardrobe

The Postelles came on right before the Chilton Tribute. They are a Strokes-like band from NYC.

The Big Star tribute to the late Alex Chilton was so special. Many stars came out to show their support and appreciation for this amazing talent.

Curt Kirkwood of the Meat Puppets
Chris Stamey

M. Ward

Big Star’s Ken Stringfellow

Mike Mills of REM

John Doe

Sondre Lerche

Chuck Prophet

Evan Dando

Amy Speace – Evan Dando is on the right

Rousing final rendition of September Gurls with Susan Cowsill and the Watson Twins

Drummer Jody Stephens adds some final words and his thanks at the end of an amazing evening.


Saturday – SXSW 2010 Comes to a Close