I outdid myself on Thursday. I was determined to see as many great bands as possible, and squeezed in nine! So much fun. One of my students tagged along with me. I hope he’s not too tired today, but at least he got his money’s worth for his wristband.

The Daylights from LA

I even managed to squeeze in a panel. This one featured DJ Spooky on Why the Record Industry hasn’t sued Girltalk. Why? Well, they didn’t come up with one reason, but the consensus was that it hasn’t been financially feasible, and they still might.

Nicole Atkins, amazing, performed with the lovely members of Future Clouds and Radar: Robert Harrison, Holly Thomas, Rusty Gebhard and Darin Murphy. Local super-guitarist Jon Sanchez has been performing with Nicole.

The Rocketboys

Hayes Carll – a different crowd here, but he’s always one of my favorites.
Stone Temple Pilots – loved hearing those old songs. And Doors guitarist Robbie Krieger played with them.

Quiet Company played an energetic set as always, and didn’t let a few drum malfunctions stop them.

Centromatic from Denton

Camper Van Beethoven – another retro act. They were supposed to move into Cracker songs at 1am, but I didn’t get to stay that long.

Last, but not least, Evan Dando, who I just got to see a few weeks ago. I catch him any time I can because he is such an amazing songwriter. He played a very easy-going set, and then was joined by original Lemonheads member Ben Deily, now of Varsity Drag.

Thursday SXSW Cavalcade of Music

One thought on “Thursday SXSW Cavalcade of Music

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