You may have heard some more news today about Barenaked Ladies. Singer/guitarist Ed Robertson piloted a stalled plane into a crash landing that everyone survived. News reports claim that all passengers emerged without a scratch. Ed is an old friend, someone I love and admire, and I was initially shocked when reading his name and “plane crash” in the headline, then ultimately relieved that everyone was OK. Apparently Ed’s wife and another couple were in the plane. I can’t imagine the sadness had the situation turned out differently. Ed started flying in 2005, and has been the host of a Canadian TV show Ed’s Up, that chronicles his adventures flying around the country.

Ed is a lovely person, to whom I owe a great deal of gratitude. He was always kind and friendly to me, one of the most interesting and genuine people I have ever met. I learned a lot about kindness from the time I spent hanging around him. He just has a way of making everyone around him feel happy and special. It is a rare gift, and I’m lucky to know him. I have already chronicled some of my BNL memories in the post I did about Steve a few weeks ago, so I won’t go on. I’ll just look forward to the next time I get to see BNL, and hopefully I’ll be able to give everyone in the band a big hug! Be careful and stay safe guys. The only press I want to read about you from now on is about a new album, a big tour, or general world pop domination. OK!

Ed Robertson survives plane crash