Another Barenaked Christmas - 1997Lizard Lounge, Dallas, December 12 My holiday was great because I spent a large part of it with my favorite men, BarenakedLadies. This is my second year in a row following them around to their December shows(click here for that review), and as impossible as it seemed totop last year's adventure, these boys have once again exceeded my wildest expectations. My tour started with a couple of radio shows in TX, Dallas and Austin. I love it whenthey are in my home state. The Dallas show on December 12th was at an old strip club inthe Deep Ellum area, The Lizard Lounge. About 700 people packed into a joint that wasmeant to hold around 200. The opening act was the Pistoleros, and they were verygood. I really liked their sound, heavy guitars, pleasant rhythms, a little latino thrownin. From Tempe, AZ, they reminded me of another band from that area, the Gin Blossoms.They have a hit, Guardian Angel, that is getting some current radio play. BNL took the stage and the crowd went wild. Personally, I had a little problem with adrunken teenage punk who was having trouble holding her liquor, but as luck would have it,she passed out after the first BNL song. Her loss, because this was a great show. I heardthe new song, "It's All Been Done" (click here forlyrics) for the first time. It is a very catchy tune with cute lyrics and some verypleasant vocals. Definitely a nice feel and I can see it playing very well commercially.The banter was very funny, with Steve using the poles to pretend to strip and a Puff Daddyrap by Ed with the rest of the band providing the "Every Breath I Take" chorus.The stage was so tiny, but because it was in an oval, Kevin had all this extra room, so Edhad commented on that and kept running back there to hang with him. Kevin kept runningaround in his larger area to make everyone else jealous. Probably one of the funniestrhymes I have ever heard at a BNL concert was after going off stage for the encore, theband returned without Ed. Steve said he was in the bathroom and would be right out. Theband started singing, "Ed's taking a pee". Finally Ed hit the stage anddelivered a rap about "Here I am singing at this mike stand, a minute ago I had mydick in my hand." I'd also like to say "Hi" to Cheryl, Dan, and Heather,fans that I met during the show!!! The next show was to be Austin on Sunday, December 14 at La Zona Rosa. Tickets had tobe won over the radio, but there were still probably 1,000 people at this one. This was aradio show with BNL headlining and Billie Myers, SisterHazel, and 10,000 Maniacs opening. I only caught the end of Billie Myers, but what Iheard was good and the crowd seemed really into it. Sister Hazel was great. This is thefourth time I've seen them, and I truly love their enthusiasm and talent. They have thiswonderful lead guitarist and some very nice rhythms and unique vocals and harmonies.Influenced by southern rock bands, like the Allman Brothers, they also add their ownoriginal qualities to some very pleasant songs. Sorry to say that 10,000 Maniacs played way too long to be so bland and unentertaining.With a new singer, Mary Ramsay, to replace Natalie Merchant, they have lost a lot of theircharisma. They played old and new songs, but after the first 40 minutes, I was gettingancy for BNL. Finally, one hour late, at 12:15am they take the stage. Of course, anotherwonderful show, pretty much the same set as the Dallas show, with a few deletions due totime. The banter was about Ed's quick trip to Toronto the day before and his experienceswith American Airlines ("we do chicken right"). They also did a song about a guyin the crowd who was the "Puffy Haired Bearded Dancing Guy". Thanks to Kristy,Alex, Jay, Sean, Amber, Darryl, and others that joined me for this show. After the showduring my long trek back to Houston, I continued to listen to the station that sponsoredthe show. People kept calling in to rave about how awesome BNL had been. It gave me agreat deal of happiness to see them so popular down here in the heart of TX. Now I justhave to get Houston on board. So my next leg of the "tour" was to attend three post-Christmas, pre-NewYears shows. I planned to go to Chicago, Cleveland, and Detroit on Dec. 29, 30, and 31.This tour was filled with reunions of old and new friends, some that I had met viainternet, other BNL shows, etc. I want to thank Gerri, Barb, Jeff, Candy, Jenn, Shari,Oliver, Bryan, Jonathan, Kristen, Lisa, John H., Nicki, John's sister, her friend, JoannaClinton, Steve Rosenberg from 99X Atlanta, Emily, Darla, Roxanne, Kim, Kris, Michelle, JimConlin and Dana, Jason, Colin, Chris, Matt, Sarah Chauncey, and anyone else that I metduring this tour because I couldn't have had a better holiday!!! I know there will be morefun fan get togethers in the near future. The Chicago show was at the Riviera. This venue holds maybe 3,000 people, but I wastold that it had sold out in about 20 minutes. Opening band was the Devlins. While theywere obviously talented musicians, they lacked any sort of uniqueness or charisma thatleft them fairly unmemorable in my mind. The first surprise of the evening was when BNLcame on with the opening number, Grade Nine, a song that I thought I would never hear themrejuvenate. When it came to the "They Called Me" part, Ed said "They calledme Janet Jackson". Very hysterical. They unveiled another new song, "Never isEnough" (click here for lyrics) which is also a pleasant,catchy tune, with Ed on lead vocals, about never having to do some of the basic, boringthings like work in Retail, plant trees, backpack to Europe, and become Employee of theMonth at Wendy's. I have a really good feeling about this new stuff. Ed had some banterabout a used book store down the street where the proprietor was very grumpy. The bandchimed in with "Grumpiest Bastard in the Whole Wide World" while Ed and Steverhymed about Chicago. Other banter was about Ed getting a particularly rough massagebefore the show, having witnessed a fender bender during the day, and the appropriatepronunciation of insurance (which syllable should be emphasized, leading them to coming upwith all sorts of unusual pronunciations). They added a great rendition of "Fight thePower" (covering Public Enemy), with Kevin really rocking on guitar, brought backsome of my very favorites with "Blame It On Me" and "Break Your Heart"and they closed with "You Will Be Waiting", another older tune that I wassurprised to hear. Next stop, Cleveland, for a show at the Cleveland State University Convocation Center,sold out, holding about 9,000. It does my heart good to be in a market that supports theseguys so much. They played a similar set as the Chicago show, but due to Steve's voicebeing a bit shaky (illness), they substituted "Break your Heart" with "WhenI Fall" with Tyler and Kevin doing backing harmonies. Also, Steve left off the"Memories" from Cats finish to $1M to save his voice for the New Years show.During this show, there were a few technical problems with Ed breaking a string during"These Apples", and having a smooth transition of a new guitar mid song, andthen his cable not working at all ultimately. Ed announced that he was glad that theseproblems happened when he was with 9,000 of his closest friends rather than when he wasalone at soundcheck. When Tim, the curly haired roadie came on stage with the guitar, Edintroduced him as Robert Plant. He then played the chords to Stairway to Heaven, butchanged the lyrics to those of Gilligans Island, thus saying that was called"Stairway to Gilligan". Also, at one point in the show, a few people wereholding up lighters. Ed said "let's update the lighter thing for the 90s. Everyonehold up their Indiglo watches." There were little green lights everywhere. I wasamazed at how many there actually were in the audience. Another funny part was when Ed pointed out that Steve's butt looked like a walnut inthese particularly flattering black pants he was wearing. This launched them into a debateover whether the term filbert or hazelnut should be used, which ultimately led to Stevecommenting about filbert as a comic (Dilbert) and how funny it was. I found itparticularly amusing that Ed said "I guess you have to work in an office to getit." I particularly liked a part in the show where Steve asked Ed to play "AmericanPie". Ed said he didn't know how, but kind of faked it with the "Bye, Bye MissAmerica Pie" part. Steve went on to describe the Garth Brooks Central Park HBOspecial in which he crossed his arms and stared at Don McLean while he was playing. Stevedid the same thing to Ed and said that Don McLean should have elbowed him or told him tostop staring at him. Anyone that had seen that part of the Garth special would have beenable to relate. I had the same awkward impression when I had seen it! Final stop, New Years Eve in Auburn Hills, Michigan. The venue was the Palace, in asuburb of Detroit. This venue holds 16,000 people and is the biggest show BNL has everheadlined. During the intermission, they played a video of Ed and Tyler touring around thePalace goofing off in the afternoon. Highlights of the video included Steve, Ed, and Tylerdancing naked in the stands and Ed doing a handstand, naked in the shower (of course,certain parts were blurred for the family show). Notice that my highlights are all thenaked parts. The show was great, the best way to ring in the New Year. Steve was decked ina tuxedo, Ed, Kevin, and Jim had on great suits, and Tyler showed up in a kilt, which heproceeded to flash us both in front and back to prove he wasn't wearing anything under it.While Steve's voice was still not 100%, with great professionalism, he still dug deep todeliver a wonderful show. This night, Steve did sing all his songs including "BreakYour Heart" and the "Memories" ending to $1M. At one point, he forgot thesecond verse of Yoko Ono, so he proceeded to see if anyone in the front row knew it. To mydismay, no one did. There should be a test before you are allowed in the front row.Finally, a camera man filled in the verse to the cheers of the entire Palace. Ed added acute Detroit ending to the "They called me..." part in Grade Nine, by saying"They called me Grant Hill." At midnight, they were in the middle of $1M, whenthey lit into a rendition of Auld Lang Syne that included each band member making up theirown verse. I remember Jim's bomb ass suit, Tyler talking about his kilt, and Kevin singingthe first verse of Bon Jovi's "Dead or Alive". After the New Year, they returnedto finish $1M and the rap. My favorite portion of the show however, was when Steve and Edreturned for the first encore playing "Lovers in a Dangerous Time" (covering theBruce Cockburn tune, but in their own original way), the first time I had ever seen itperformed live! The other band members filtered on after the first two verses to completethe tune. A beautiful rendition. That song was probably the best way for me to begin 1998.Thanks guys! I just can't say enough wonderful things about Barenaked Ladies. They always deliversuch an entertaining and clever show, high energy, lots of feeling. They are the mosttalented musicians and are the nicest, most sincere guys. They continue to give so much totheir fans, spending lots of time signing autographs, having pictures taken, chatting.They often remember people from one show to the next. This is an entertainment treat thateveryone, of any age must see. In my humble opinion, Barenaked Ladies are on the brink ofhuge success, and I can think of no other group that deserves it more. This year they aregoing into the studio to produce a new CD and will embark on the Horde Festival in midSummer. Please, I beckon you, check them out, and check them out often. If you go to noother concert this year, you must go to a BNL concert. One additional note, it comes as no surprise that the greatest band would have thegreatest crew. I would like to recognize all the hard work and professionalism that goesinto delivering a flawless BNL show in hundreds of cities each year. These guys areconstantly on the road and deserve much praise for their commitment!!! I started 1997 with BNL, and that is how I ended it. It has been an incredible year forme in every way. After 35 shows, thank you for the music, memories, and fun. All the bestin 1998. On That Note, I'm outta here...... C |
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