I shot video at most of the shows I went to in 2008, so I thought I’d make a compilation of some highlights. There are three things that I realized by looking at the videos: I have gotten pretty
Year in Music 2008

I shot video at most of the shows I went to in 2008, so I thought I’d make a compilation of some highlights. There are three things that I realized by looking at the videos: I have gotten pretty
Brent Adair released his new CD Ostrich with a big shindig at Momo’s on May 31, 2008. Friends and family were out in full force to support Brent on this superb effort. Backed by some of Austin’s most talented musicians,
Christian Braafladt returns to Austin. That’s good news for LCT fans. More shows! Welcome back, Christian. Gary Newcomb Trio opened the show with a CD Release Party. Sorry I was unable to attend it, but Congrats to Gary! Looking forward
The Old 97’s treated Austin to an intimate, in-store performance Friday evening at Waterloo Records. There was a capacity crowd, and Rhett and the boys played songs old and new. They just released a new CD, Blame it on Gravity,
Fun night at Quack’s, very family-friendly. The kids outnumbered adults. I think the artists need to add Wheels on the Bus or Itsy Bitsy Spider to their sets. By the way, check out the excellent review Brent got in the