There are a handful of people that I will absolutely drop everything to go out and see every single time they are in town. There are the usuals, like Wilco and Spoon, and most of you know I love me some Rhett Miller/Old 97s. And, of course, I can’t miss a Barenaked Ladies show on the rare chance they come to town. Another touring act that has always been a must-see for me is Mr. Evan Dando, sometimes of the Lemonheads. I can’t resist his simple pop tunes and amazing voice. This show at Emo’s was quite special. Short of him playing for me in my living room, I can’t imagine a better showcase of his talent, just Dando and guitar. There were about 80 people in the audience and I was literally three feet away. It was mesmerizing. I could have listened to him play all night, so it’s good that he’s coming back for SXSW!

One of my new favorite local bands, Quiet Company, opened. So, it was a fantastic way to spend a Wednesday!

Great Big No


No Backbone

Outdoor Type


Quiet Company – this is their new song. It’s great!

Evan Dando, Emo’s, February 24, 2010